Day 1 24/5/14 (sunny)
Finally reached Kaoshiung and checked in at this Ten Drum Village resort! I'm so excited for the next few days in Taiwan, hope it will be enjoyable!
The principal and teachers of Sacred Hearts High School 正心中学 especially came down to Kaoshiung airport and warmly welcomed us even though it has already exceeded 12 midnight. We were so touched by their action, it is so heart-warming!
Day 2 25/5/14 (sunny)
Today we mainly went to visit a few museums, Meinong Folk Village and 六合夜市! From Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum, Meinong Folk Village and Hakka Cultural Museum, I have really gained an insight of the Hakka people and their cultures. Do you know that the Hakkas actually had 5 big migrations to lead a better life? Yes, they did. Furthermore, I just got to know today that the Hakkas use different intonations of the same language in different parts of Taiwan.
In the past, the Hakka children were taught to respect words and they had to keep paper with words instead if throwing them away where they wanted. When people came to collect these papers, they would give the children sweets as a form of encouragement. Children were highly encouraged by their parents to study hard in order to change their living standards.
Hakkas use oil painted umbrellas and wore traditional blue costumes for their weddings. This is because oil painted umbrellas translate to "油纸伞" which sounds like praying for sons in Chinese. Isn't this a very interesting fact?
At the Meinong Folk Village, we got to experience the Hakkas' way of life and the kind of food that they eat. We had 擂茶 there and it was definitely a new experience for us! The food we had there was so nice and I was so full when I finished eating.
Group lunch at Meinong Folk Village
From the Kaoshiung Museum of History, I learnt more about the 228 incident that happened in Taiwan and that it was caused by a bystander accidentally killed by a policeman. At the British Consulate, we also learnt more about why Kaoshiung was known as Takao and how it was hidden from bombings.
Lastly, for today, we went to our most awaited part of the whole trip which is... 六合夜市! 六合夜市 is basically like Singapore's pasar malam, just that it is wider, stretched across a road. The food sold there is very different front that of Singapore. Other than the expected variety of Taiwanese snacks for example, 臭豆腐,七里香,炸鸡排 and many more, they also sell non-Taiwanese things like Irish ice cream and more! :) It was very fun walking around with our friends, just that we all feel that they time given was not really enough for us :(
Day 3 26/5/14 (sunny)
Today was our last day at the Ten Drums Folk Village (十鼓文化村) before moving on to our next hotel, 太兴大饭店. My class got the opportunity to learn the basics of playing a drum, toured the premises and even watched an exciting drum performance with water.
Next, we also went to Anping Fort which was originally built by the Dutch in 1624 known as "Fort Zeelandia", afterwards renamed as Anping to commemorate 郑成功's hometown when he drove the Dutch out of Taiwan. Isn't it so cool to be at a place with such a long historical value?
We also went to Anping Old Street where we had our lunch, consisting of all the different delicious Taiwanese snacks, including the famous coffin toast, also known as 棺材板 in Chinese.
Coffin Toast
We proceeded on to Eternal Golden Castle which was built in 1874 to safeguard the coast and defend Taiwan against the Japanese invasions. There, we saw a lot of big cannons and below shows a photograph of my classmate standing beside one of the cannons.
At the Tainan Confucius Temple, we also got to write our wishes on a piece of yellow coloured paper and we were told not to write our full names and full wishes as Confucius is smart enough to understand the message that we were trying to convey even though it's not complete, it's such an interesting culture, isn't it?
Lastly, we went to the Chihkan Tower as the last destination for the exhausting but enriching day. Chihkan Tower was originally named "Fort Provintia", meaning eternity in Dutch, but the name was later changed to Chihkan Tower, meaning "Red-topped Tower", derived from the Taiwan aboriginal word "Chakam".
Day 4 27/5/14 (sunny)
At Sacred Hearts High School today, my group had English lessons and as soon as we entered the classroom, they warmly welcomed us and told us to sit at the front of the class and we were interviewed, with them asking us questions about our school and Singapore. The emcees of the interview were also students of the class and I personally find that this is a very good way of learning because it not only boosts the students' confidence but it also helps them improve their presentation skills and their language skills too!
I also managed to meet my buddy for the first time!
Afterwards, we left Sacred Hearts and headed towards 饼艺文化馆 and started learning to make pineapple tarts. After making our very own pineapple tarts, we went on to visit the pineapple plantation there and I was very amazed by the size of the big pineapple plantation!
Enormous pineapple plantation
Next, they also presented different paintings at the art gallery and their presentation skills were very good, they were very confident and they memorised their scripts very well.
Day 5 28/5/14 (sunny, cloudy, rainy)
Firstly, we went to a towel factory and DIY our very own towel dogs. It was very fun and interesting! :)
Next, we went to the Yunlin puppet theatre and learnt about the different kinds of puppets there are, for example, there is always a male man character,female main character, older version of male main character, joker and others. The inclusion of the joker is to appeal to children, earning more money. We also got to watch a puppet showcase displaying the different ways of speaking and moving the puppets around.
At Sacred Hearts today, we learnt magic tricks and had balloon sculpturing lesson! I enjoyed all the activities as they were very hands-on and engaging.
Mr Wong, Mr Ho and Ms Chua with the balloon sculptures
We also has the opportunity to view the different CCAs in Sacred Hearts and one of them was Scouts, my own CCA too! :) It was an exciting experience for me because I got to see how similar and different the Taiwan and Singapore scouts are.
Photo taken together with Sacred Hearts scouts :)
As the highlight of the day, we went for a concert put up by Sacred Hearts music classes and that marked the end of day 5.
Day 6 29/5/14 (sunny, rainy)
Joining a class at Sacred Hearts for Geography and English lessons today, I realised how enthusiastic the students there were in contrast to Singapore. When the teacher asks a question, almost the while class will put up their handing fighting to answer while in Singapore, there is only silence in the whole class with only one or two students volunteering.
Next, we proceeded on to Home Econs class where we made 布丁水果酥,卤味,葱油饼 and 珍珠奶茶. My group was in charge of 珍珠奶茶 and with cooperation, we finished it within a very short time.
Afterwards, we got to go out with our respective buddies and my group wanted to go to an outdoor 3D museum only to realise that it was only going to be open to public the next day. We then decided to just go to a common shopping mall, SOGO, in Taiwan as there was not much time already. However, with the right people, we still enjoyed our time greatly. :)
Train ticket from 斗六 to 台中 :)
Day 7 30/5/14
Today was the last day of our trip. We were supposed to visit our final site which was the 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan but I was feeling unwell so I couldn't go with the rest of my classmates. :( however, I heard from the, that it was a new experience and they gained an insight of what could actually happen in a real earthquake and we should really treasure the fact that Singapore is free form any natural disasters.
We proceeded to the airport and flew back to Singapore:)
~Home sweet home~