The one-child policy, officially the family planning policy, is the population control policy of the People's Republic of China. this means a couple is expected to have only one child after their marriage.
***Note:This one-child policy has currently changed. If both parents are the only child of their family, they are allowed to have their second child.
Can you image an overpopulated world?
Intentionally one child policy is a plan to control China's huge population,as from the graph above,we can see that the rate of increasing population decreases and by 1995 it slows down. This plan had successfully controlled the rate of increasing population but it also led to a series of problems such as aging and finance problems faced by most of it citizens
In another perspective
It will also cause adverse impacts to China's economy. The workforce will also suffer 'precipitous decline', when it faces labour shortage, which will lead to poor infrastructure development of the country. Therefore, the one children policy is extremely detrimental and also a huge contributor to the backlash of the nation's economy.
One child policy results a high abortion rate. The idea of “a boy is better than a girl” or “the lineage and inheritance can only be passed from the father’s side” still remains in some traditional families, especially in working class or those who live in rural area, leads woman to do an abortion after figuring out she is carrying a baby girl. Other possibility is that baby girl might be abandoned as fetuses, or being adopted. A better result for the baby girls is doing all the housework while the parents are secretly attempting to have a son. In traditional women’s perspective, giving birth of a baby boy is the only way for female to gain a position in husband’s family. The policy certainly reduced fertility below the level, but this also cause problem with the aging problem. As a result, China has one of the world’s lowest “dependency ratios”, with roughly three economically active adults for each dependent child or old person. The benefit or disadvantage of one child policy is also the beginning of Chinese cultural change.
One child policy also affects the youth culture. It has created a "4-2-1" phenomena. What's that? It's a new family structure that includes
grandparents from both father and mother’s side (4)
parents (2)
the only child (1).
It forces the four grandparents and the two parents give full attention to the only child, which results the only child become less independent.The only child might not know how to interact with others, or poor communication skills compared to the ones who have siblings. A lot of pressure were also given to the only child as the elders have a higher expectation on them and a greater responsibility towards the six elders when they grew older
This will cause more pressure to the only child in taking care of six elders when they start working. Financial problem will be a greater issue to them.
When the only child of the family gets married, he has the responsibility to take care of his parents in laws as well,this situation turns wose if he has his own children.(School fees and monthly expences)