
Welcome to 2K Group 3!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Week 9 CID lesson

A video was shown to the class this lesson. A meaningful one indeed. From the short video that was shown, I have a deeper understanding of leadership. Many people think that only leaders are important, and only leaders are recognized. However, this is not the case.
The leader was dancing crazily on a field with some wild music being played. But, the leader was alone. He seemed like a crazy person that everyone ignored, and did not follow. However, this changed when the first follower came in. The first follower followed the leader, and moved hysterically about too. The first follower made the leader less "lonely", and brought the leader company. The first follower called out his friends to join in, and not long later, more and more people were dancing crazily to the music. This is how a movement starts, from a "lonely" leader, to a large group of people.
The video highlights the importance of the first follower. The first follower brings out the effectiveness of the leader, and the movement. The first follower decides the "fate" of the leader, by calling for more support from the other bys-stander. Without the first follower, the movement with a large group of people would never have been successful, and the leader would never have been recognized. Therefore, the most important person in a movement really isn't the leader who is always given the credit, but the first follower, that gives the leader his/her success.

The leader dancing alone, without any followers or supporters.

The leader (shirtless) dancing crazily, with the first follower (green top) following him.

Not long later ⬇️

The first followers "summoned" more supporters to join in


Finally, the movement was made a success with a large group of supporters.

- Wan Yun

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